Wednesday, November 02, 2005

its funny how people'll always tell me how dumb and gullible and naive i am
and no matter how many times i tell them "i know lah"
i will still turn around and be that dumb, gullible, naive self.

and it saddens me, esp every last day of the fasting month
when the prayers are recited over the radio
because its only during that very few minutes,
that i will remember those who have left me for a better place.
and always without fail, my grandparents will cryy.
damn sad.

gotta wake sk up at midnight, buggerr lah! never study forever wan!
confirm wake up WONT study.
and it amuses me how scandalous and sneaky some people will/can get
and you know i love you too

didnt go to arab str in the end,
braddy woke me up at 10ish and said he damn sleepyy postpone meeting to 1
then i woke up at 1 and called them say, "NO CANNOT GO I DAMN SLEEPY"
and also i had to clean my room
salmon for dinnner, its dope. and they laughed at me when i said "salmon makes you younger"
its true RIGHT? HHAHA. ok i feel dumb. HAHA

yay my room's now clean again
give it till the weekend and itll be back to its soorry miserable state

i need to get:
new clothes
new slippers
new bag
new sketchbook
new designer gouche (sp?)
new stud

and i always ask myself, why do you even miss him so much..

its trajiik to know that perfection seen in the eyes of many of a relationship
can end so quickly.
llike a perfect relationship suddenly ending.
and now it has struck me,
perfection doesnt exist
and with that situation as an example it only makes
perfection seem less perfect.
why do happy couples always end up in breakups
and those fucked up ones always last?
its weird how everything works.

argh im talking rubbish.
i was in thinking-then-answer-own-self-questions mode.

plus he treat her like she don't even exist


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