Monday, September 05, 2005

omg im finally able to update.

i feel like crap now.
thanks rachh for trying to cheer me up.

You and danieL have smooth sailing ahead.
Okay -- picture the two of you on a tightrope, high in the air, each on your own sparkly silver unicycle. Oh, and you're both juggling china teacups. And kittens. But hey, your spangled outfits look terrific. And the conversation you're having is scintillating. The crowd, far below, oohs and ahhs at your amazing balancing act. You're redefining multitasking together, seamlessly integrating all the disparate pieces flying around you -- and you're enjoying the heck out of each other all the while.

sounds familiar? tightrope?

my lappy's finder is kinda screwed up.
hoping to be able to meet up with rei, brad & rach tomorrow.
when does super-peak period end?
so nonsense.

perfect catch just now.
nice show.

I've been thinking and here's what I've come to conclude
Sometimes the distance is more than two people can use


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