Monday, September 19, 2005

okay so todayy.
i wenta meet rachu at bedok interchange
and we got ourselves lunch & mosquito coils
then we wenta meet kimu & scullu
and we took a mad bus ride down to punggol

super mad class excursion
everything was so super super foreign!!
including the bus interchange and stuff
we felt very "eastern-ers"
amazed at every single shit/building there

then went mad 1 dollar shop shopping
then wenta meet reiu & bradu & jacksonu at the foodcourt
we then headed to take a cab down to PUNGGOL END
damn ulu pandan. and i was in the cab with scullu and bradu
i was like
imagine sudden the natives appear from no where and go.. "SURRENDER YOUR NIPS!"
haha okay inside joke.
by the way, NIPS are damn nice. ask me for some ive got alot
and dont worry its not some dirttyy thingyy. its real FOOD! i never bluff you!

when to punggol end and like woah its really like THE BEACHH!
minus the fish smell and all lah but the sand is damnn WHOOOHOOO!!
ill just make love with the sand anytime la.. HAHAH!
had some photoshoot thingy, reiu & jacksonu. they really epitomized the meaning of
damn funnny!
the place was real nice, the sun was majorly hawt and like the sand's so nice
but it STANKKK like so badddd. GRRRZ!
quite fun actually

we then took refuge under motors and all while waiting for the bus to "open"
nice hair flying experience and what shits.
:)) but we all stank soo soo badd.. smelly fish!

we then went to hougang mall.
omg that place is too foreign to us all lah seriously.
so we wenta meet benu and we took a train down to city hall
at city hall met zachu & gabrielu.
ate and whatever shit

then we walked to THE PADANG for
STARLIGHT CINEMA.!!! *orgasms*
it was like only 2$ entry cos today's frreee entry but youve gotta make some donation for the cancer foundatioon or something and it was only 2$! quite worth itt
we sat on mats and all with mosquito coils repelling smelly garlic-scared mosquitoes (okay another inside joke) away
we caught MADAGASCAR. quite cute lahh! but the ending's abit not funnehh.
dunch understand at all. rahhs!

haha so after the movie, zachu thinks he;s some superman and
tried to jump over the dustbin. failed miserably lah but it was too funny!
walked to all over and like benu and forgot who did something damn mean lah!
and we so called saw a guy proposing to his girlfriend.. DAMN SWEEET but some people had to spoil it. HAHA!
slacked around and wenta BOAT QUAY MACS.
mad laughing session provided for us free by the 3 boys and benu's random comments. HAHA!
then cabbed back with the girls.

had a yummmy day.
and todaay i feel alright
i think im getting better
and i think LALALALALALA.

tomorrow shall be better. i hope.
make me smile baby.
i dont tink ill be selling newsroom? depends if my buyers can confirm with me everything by noon tomorrow
and then i will decide to sell ernotts. haha

but MOMO heree i commeee.
ok i feel damn hypeurrrr.

i loike the pics we took just now. totally groovy.

stop asking me, eh intro this girl leh intro that girl leh
give me that girl number leh.. this that this that
OMG. PLEASE AHHH!!! go fug yourselfff with your mother lah! DAMN GROSS!



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